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Saturday 3rd June


Glassbox Theatre, Gillingham

Join Creative Medway for the annual Creative Medway Congress event to share your vision for how creativity and culture can shape Medway and make sure that everyone has access to creativity and culture where they live.

The event will explore what is happening across the creative sector in Medway, will hear from people and organisations with big ideas and and exciting visions and we will decide together what Creative Medway should focus on for the next year.

What will the afternoon look like? That’s down to you. Everyone is welcome to bring an idea, a topic or a suggestion to discuss.

What is the Creative Medway Congress?

The Creative Medway Congress is open to anyone and everyone with an interest in creativity and culture in Medway. This annual event brings together Medway’s people and communities, groups and organisations with Medway’s creative, business, health, education and charitable sectors.

Whether you work in the creative sector or aspire to, are part of a group, business or organisation in Medway or simply have an interest in making Medway better, we invite you to join us for an open space event to set the agenda for the next year of Creative Medway activity.

What is Creative Medway?

Creative Medway is a network of people interested in culture and creativity in Medway.

We are overseeing the delivery of the Creative Medway Cultural Strategy in partnership with Medway Council and our vision is to see Medway internationally renowned for its culture and creativity by 2030.

Diverse, inclusive, collaborative and engaged, our vision is to celebrate the strength and creativity of everyone who lives in Medway and demonstrate the positive impact culture can have on everyone’s lives.

You can find out more about Creativity Medway on their website or on social media @CreativeMedway.